Milwaukee Barbarians – the very best in Milwaukee Rugby.

In February of 2012, the Milwaukee Westside Harlequins and many of the active players from the Milwaukee Rugby Football Club set out to do something big — to elevate the top-tier rugby played in this state.

Thus began a grand experiment, a great collaboration that hoped to unite the top rugby clubs in the greater Milwaukee region into a super club that could compete at the highest level.

After 18 months, we are happy to report that the experiment has been a success beyond our expectations as the new club, the Milwaukee Barbarians, has been in contention for the National championship 2 seasons running.

In addition, tomorrow we kick off our first match at our new venue — Zablocki Park — in South Milwaukee.

Vic Drover
Vic Drover

Vic has a long history in and around the sport of rugby both in Canada and the US. He has played for and started numerous clubs (Vandal's RFC, Strathcona Druids, Suffolk Bull Moose, Westside Harlequins, Milwaukee Barbarians, Hamilton Girls Rugby), and served many roles over the years at all administrative levels. Vic joined the Harlequins in 2007 and remained an active club member through the transition to the Barbarians. These days, he spends his rugby time playing tag rugby and touring with the Old Boys, keeping the club website updated, helping organize the Lakefront 7s, and fundraising.

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